I’m a big fan of preparation. I like to go into most experiences knowing what to expect and how to prepare ahead of time. You, too? Hey look at us! Fast friends! I remember having a newborn and feeling all sorts of backwards and upside down. If you’re currently planning for your lifestyle newborn session, this post is for you. I hope it reaches you BEFORE your due date!

1. Schedule your session at the right time
First things first: don’t wait until your baby is born to secure a photographer for your newborn photos. That should be the last thing on your mind! Book your photographer well before your due date, so you can have all the info you need about the process BEFORE you deliver.
After your baby is born, notify your photographer when you announce to your family. This way your photographer can get your session on the calendar ASAP! I like to schedule newborn sessions to take place within the first 2 weeks, if possible. However, one of the nice things about lifestyle newborn sessions is that since you are participating in photos, you will be holding the baby for most of the time. This means there is a little bit more flexibility in the timeline of your photos. If you are recovering from childbirth and just not ready to have someone in your home, take an extra week to heal and care for yourself. Of course you want your baby to be fresh and tiny and extra sleepy, but not at the expense of your well-being.

2. Know which rooms have the best light
Here’s the good news: I prefer to shoot in the rooms that have the best light. This means that you do NOT need to clean your whole house!! Congrats! Prior to your session, be on the lookout for the rooms that have the most amount of natural sunlight. The rooms that are best lit will be the only rooms that need to be picked up. If you are concerned that your house doesn’t get enough light, be sure to let your photographer know ahead of time! He/she might want to do a virtual walk-through before your session.

3. Put on some music
When I photograph in-home newborn sessions, I am NOT stressed, and I am NOT in a hurry. Enjoy yourself. This is an opportunity to snuggle up with your favorite people in the sacredness of your own home, and have those early newborn days documented. Turn on some music, pour yourself some coffee, and relax. Truly, newborn photos with your family should be an enjoyable experience.

Ready to chat about YOUR newborn session?? I would love to connect with you! Fill out this form and I’ll reach out!