
When to book a mini-session vs full session for your family photos

July 23, 2024

I’m Allison.
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Let me get real with you. I’ve photographed COUNTLESS mini-sessions over the years, and they can be the PERFECT option for family photos – but only when the goal + preferences of the client align with the nature of a mini-session.

Mini-sessions are short, typically 10-20 minute sessions at a specific location on a specific date. Photographers often stack these sessions back-to-back, to accommodate as many families as possible. A lot of the time mini-session events are full of younger families with babes, toddlers + kids because HELLO ATTENTION SPAN. 

Whether your family needs a full session or a mini is dependent upon your goals and preferences for your photos.

Booking a mini-session might be a good idea for your family if you:

have small children who wear out quickly
have a photographer whose work you love, but aren’t currently able to invest in his/her full session prices
have limited time available in your schedule
want a beautiful, professional family photo for your Christmas card

Booking a mini-session might not be a good fit if you:

have small children who typically need time to warm up
have a specific location in mind for your photos or are looking for a full experience that is flexible to your schedule
are hoping for a gallery full of 50+ images
value creativity and capturing the details
have a HUGE family (mini-sessions are NOT ideal for extended family sessions)

Full family sessions get more individual attention and the galleries are full of more playful details and creative images. In-home sessions are only available for full sessions. I’ve got a couple spots left for full family sessions this fall. If you want to schedule a call to reserve your spot, INQUIRE HERE!

If you’re kinda digging the idea of a shorter session, I’ve got some GOOD NEWS! In just a few short weeks I’ll be announcing the dates for my fall mini-sessions! Booking will be available to my VIP list first, before the site goes live to the public. If you think you might be interested in some more info, you should definitely sign up for this email list. Fill out THIS FORM and I’ll keep you in the know! NO SPAM, NOT EVER.

Can’t wait to see your fam!!! xoxo

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